AFO English Another Freakin' Online Radio
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8 tahun menyepikan diri dari corong radio akhirnya kembali atas permintaan ramai?,David Low bila nak keudara lagi? Segmen David Low akan saya salurkan berita-berita terkini baik dunia hiburan?gosip,tip kehidupan mahupun lapuran trafik ke? temubual pun bakal ada, janji kita kongsi bersama. Simple je dengarkan suara budak Cina ni yang fasih dalam berbahasa Melayu celoteh itu yang saya harapkan.
todayNovember 25, 2024 5 1
todayOctober 15, 2024 8 1
From Voices to Inspiration... From Award to Actions! Prepare for a spectacular episode of McMillan Woods Live, where we pull back the curtain on the glitz and grandeur of the McMillan Woods Global Awards 2024. Hosted by the charismatic MAG from The Daily MAG Show, alongside the vibrant Rachel Hsu Xin, McMillan Woods Global Ambassador, this episode promises to be an unforgettable experience. Dive into a riveting discussion on "The Business Mind" and explore the vital role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in today's dynamic business landscape. Expect insightful dialogue and empowering conversations as we spotlight the intersection of business success and social impact. Don't miss this exclusive sneak peek and an engaging talkshow that celebrates the power of giving back while acknowledging excellence in the business world. Tune in for an episode that combines glamour, inspiration, and actionable insights!
closeAFO Radio’s Pop-Up Stage gives exposure to the pool of talented Malaysian Artistes. It is a brand new approach whereby it is not just a radio show, but a radio show with LIVE on-ground performances.